< Previous50 IMAGINING THE SCHOOLS OF TOMORROW, TOGETHER, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN COMPETITION THE LAB-ÉCOLE SCHOOLS’ DESIGNS UNVEILED APRESENTADOS OS DESIGNS DAS ESCOLAS LAB- ÉCOLE Text/Texto: Catarina Gonçalves | Photos/Fotos: DR architecture | arquitectura a Shefford - Exterior summer view Photo credit: Pelletier de Fontenay et Leclerc architectes51 IN THE LAST MONTH OF AUGUST LAB-ÉCOLE UNVEILED THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS FOR THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS THAT ARE TO BE EXPANDED OR BUILT-IN GATINEAU, MASKINONGÉ, QUÉBEC CITY, SAGUENAY, SHEFFORD ANDRIMOUSKI. With the exception of the sketch for the Québec City school, which was produced by the Lab-École team, all of the winning designs stem from the “Imagining the Schools of Tomorrow, Together” architec- NO ÚLTIMO MÊS DE AGOSTO, O LAB-ÉCOLE REVELOU OS PROJETOS ARQUITETÓNICOS PARA CINCO ESCOLAS DE ENSINO OBRI- GATÓRIO QUE SERÃO AMPLIADAS OU CONSTRUÍDAS EM GATINEAU, MASKINON- GÉ, QUÉBEC CITY, SAGUENAY, SHEFFORD E RIMOUSKI. À exceção do esboço para a escola da cidade de Quebeque, que foi produzido pela equipa do Lab-École, todos os proje- tos vencedores resultaram de um concurso PTEN Maskinongé - Class views Photo credit: Paquet - Taillefer et Leclerc architectes Gatineau - Interior perspective Photo credit: DMA architectes52 tural design competition launched by Lab- École. This was the first school building design competition tobe held in Quebec in nearly 50 years. More than 160 propos- als were received for the five school pro- jects. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lab-École made the decision in March to delay the public unveiling of the designs. The five winners are: Étienne Bernier Ar- chitecture (EBA) + APPAREIL Architecture + BGLA(Saguenay Lab-École school); DMA Architectes (Gatineau Lab-École school);Pelletier de Fontenay + Leclerc Architectes (Shefford Lab-École school), L’ŒUF+ Lapointe Magne & Associés (Ri- mouski Lab-École school); and Paquet- Taillefer + Leclerc Architectes (Maskinongé Lab-École school).“We felt that holding an architectural design competition was a logi- cal way to keep up our innovative momen- tum. Competitions generate a wide variety of designs. They also help demonstrate- Quebeckers’ immense creativity, which will be put in service of the educational sector. It de arquitetura “Imagining the Schools of Tomorrow, Together” lançado pelo Lab- École. Este foi o primeiro concurso de design de edifícios escolares realizado no Quebeque em quase 50 anos. Mais de 160 propostas foram recebidas para os cinco projetos escolares. Devido à pandemia COVID-19, o Lab- École tomou a decisão em março de adi- ar a divulgação pública dos projetos. Os cinco vencedores são: Étienne Bernier Ar- chitecture (EBA) + APPAREIL Architecture + BGLA (escola Saguenay Lab-École); DMA Architectes (escola Gatineau Lab- École); Pelletier de Fontenay + Leclerc Architectes (escola Shefford Lab-École), L’ŒUF + Lapointe Magne & Associés (es- cola Rimouski Lab-École); e Paquet-Taillefer + Leclerc Architectes (escola Maskinongé Lab-École). “Sentimos que realizar um concurso de ar- quitectura era uma forma lógica de manter o nosso ímpeto inovador. As competições geram uma grande variedade de designs Maskinongé - Summer view Photo credit: Paquet - Taillefer et Leclerc architectes53 Gatineau - Exterior perspective - courtyard Photo credit: DMA architectes54 was important for Lab-École to step off the beaten path and invite novelty. The impres- sive number of proposals we received also shows that Quebec architects want to con- tribute to these new living environments.”— Pierre Thibault, architect and Lab-École co- founder A new generation of schools that will form veritable living environments. Lab-École schools will be true living environments that are caring, open to nature and their community. They will offer more space and more flexibility, which will help the students learn better, be more active, and eat better. They will also offer bright gathering spaces and inviting dining halls. Wider hallways will form “learning alley ways”that facilitate teaching practices adapted to the needs of today’s students.The architects careful- ly designed these models in keeping with the school stake holders’ expectations, gi- ving each square meter of invested space, meaning, and ensuring optimal use of all e mostram a imensa criatividade dos Que- bequenses, colocada ao serviço do setor educativo. Foi importante para o Lab-École sair do caminho tradicional e convidar à inovação. O número impressionante de propostas que recebemos também de- monstra que os arquitetos de Quebeque querem contribuir para estes novos ambi- entes. ”—Pierre Thibault, arquiteto e co- fundador do Lab-École Uma nova geração de escolas que for- marão verdadeiros estilos de vida. As escolas Lab-École serão verdadeiros es- tilos de vida que são atenciosos, abertos à natureza e à sua comunidade. Oferecerão mais espaço e flexibilidade, o que ajudará os alunos a aprender melhor, serem mais ativos e a comerem melhor.Espaços de re- união bem iluminados e salas de refeições convidativas, corredores mais largos for- marão “corredores de aprendizagem” que facilitam as práticas de ensino adaptadas às necessidades dos alunos de hoje. Os ar- Maskinongé - Winter view Photo credit: Paquet - Taillefer et Leclerc architectes Quebec - Interior view Photo credit: Lab-ÉcoleQuebec - Exterior front view Photo credit: Lab-École Quebec - Interior view Photo credit: Lab-École56 the spaces from morning to dawn. The de- signs are based on general guidelines and vital elements (ref. Imagining the Schoolsof Tomorrow, 2019) st emming from two years of intensive research-creation, consulta- tions and the mobilization of hundreds of key players (teachers,architects, resear- chers, citizens, parents, daycare service representatives,municipal elected officials, organizations and more). Lab-École car- ried outthis work to pave the way for a new generation of schools designed to meet the current and future needs of the stu- dents and the school staff accompanying them.“These schools will be a huge step- forward. They are far from the traditional two-storey boxes that currently exist. These are pavilion-style learning environments, with sloped roofs, more organic shapes, and other details. It is a completely differ- ent approach. When the school stake hold- ers saw the designs, they were amazed that a school could look like that! They were deeply touched by the proposals submitted, quitetos projetaram cuidadosamente estes modelos de acordo com as expectativas de todas as partes interessadas da escola, dando significado a cada metro quadrado de espaço investido e garantindo o uso ide- al de todos os espaços de manhã à noite. Os projetos são baseados em diretrizes ge- rais e elementos vitais (ref. Imagining the Schools of Tomorrow, 2019) decorrentes de dois anos de intensa criação, de pes- quisa, consultas e mobilização de centenas de actores-chave (professores, arquitetos, investigadores, cidadãos, pais , represen- tantes de creches, funcionários eleitos mu- nicipais, organizações e muito mais). O Lab-École realizou este trabalho para pre- parar o caminho para uma nova geração de escolas projetadas para atender às ne- cessidades atuais e futuras dos alunos e do pessoal escolar que os acompanha. “Estas escolas serão um grande avanço. Elas estão muito longe das caixas tradi- cionais de dois andares que existem atual- mente. São ambientes de aprendizagem em Shefford - Interior view Photo credit: Pelletier de Fontenay et Leclerc architectesSaguenay - bleachers Photo credit: Étienne Bernier architecture (EBA), APPAREIL Architecture et BGLA Saguenay - Exterior front view Photo credit: Étienne Bernier architecture (EBA), APPAREIL Architecture et BGLA Rimouski - Interior view Photo credit: L’ŒUF et Lapointe Magne et Associés Gatineau - Exterior Perspective Photo credit: Crédit photo :DMA architectes58 imagining all the good they could bring to the entire community.”—Pierre Lavoie, athlete and Lab-École co-founder “ What has been presented is not only Lab- École’s vision, but the vision of the school communities that took part in this approach. The winners were able to skilfully integrate Lab-École’s different cornerstones: physical environment, a healthy and active lifestyle, and nutrition. To the Quebeckers who an- swered the call and to the community stake holders, we can never thank you enough for your dedication and open-mindedness. We have the skills to build the world’s most beautiful schools and the designs presented today prove it.”—Ricardo Larrivée, chef, entrepreneur and Lab-École co-founder “We showed the importance we place on beautiful educational institutions by an- nouncing the government’s vision of a new generation of schools. I applaud the qua- lity of the work carried out by everyone who estilo pavilhão, com telhados inclinados, formas mais orgânicas e outros detalhes. É uma abordagem completamente diferente. Quando os participantes da escola viram os projetos ficaram surpresos com o facto de uma escola poder ser assim! Ficaram profundamente comovidos com as propos- tas apresentadas, imaginando todo o bem que poderiam trazer para a comunidade ”. —Pierre Lavoie, atleta e co-fundador do Lab-École “O que foi apresentado hoje não é apenas a visão do Lab-École, mas a visão das co- munidades escolares que participaram nes- ta abordagem. Os vencedores foram ca- pazes de integrar habilmente os diferentes pilares do Lab-École: ambiente físico, estilo de vida saudável e ativo, e nutrição. Aos quebequenses que atenderam à chamada e às partes interessadas da comunidade, nunca poderemos agradecer o suficiente por sua dedicação e abertura. Temos a sabedoria para construir as escolas mais Shefford - Exterior winter view Photo credit: Pelletier de Fontenay et Leclerc architectes59 submitted a proposal and congratulate the finalists and winners.Our schools need to be inspiring and these projects have proven to be original and representative of the 21st century.”—Jean-François Roberge, Que- bec Minister of Education The 5 school service centres (formerly- school boards), the Western Quebec School Board, the winning architectural- firms, and Lab-École have been hard at work concretizing the projects over the last few months. In spite of the unexpected ad- vent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the work is going well. The first Lab-École schools should be opening their doors for the fall 2022 semester. All of the designs can be viewed onLab- École’s website: lab-ecole.com, where you will find video clips presenting the six Lab-École schools, a catalogue of Lab- École’s architectural design competition, data sheets on the projects and more. All 160 architectural design proposals can be found on the Canadian Competitions Ca- talogue website. bonitas do mundo e os projetos apresenta- dos provam isso. ” —Ricardo Larrivée, chefe, empresário e cofundador do Lab-École “Mostrámos a importância que damos a belas instituições educativas ao anunciar a visão do governo de uma nova geração de escolas. Aplaudo a qualidade do tra- balho realizado por todos os que apresen- taram propostas e os meus parabéns aos finalistas e vencedores. As nossas escolas precisam ser inspiradoras e esses projetos provaram ser originais e representativos do século 21”. —Jean-François Roberge, Ministro da Edu- cação de Quebeque Os 5 centros de serviços escolares (ante- riormente conselhos escolares), o Western Quebec School Board, os escritórios de arquitetura vencedores e o Lab-École têm trabalhado arduamente na concretização dos projetos nos últimos meses. Apesar do advento inesperado da pandemia COV- ID-19, o trabalho está a correr bem. As primeiras escolas Lab-École devem abrir as suas portas para o semestre de Outono de 2022. Todos os projetos podem ser vistos no site do Lab-École: lab-ecole.com, onde pode encontrar videoclipes apresentando as seis escolas Lab-École, um catálogo do concur- so de design de arquitetura do Lab-École, folhas de dados dos projetos e muito mais. Todas as 160 propostas de projetos podem ser encontradas no site Canadian Compe- titions Catalog. Rimouski - Model Photo credit: L’ŒUF et Lapointe Magne et Associés Saguenay- Interior view Photo credit: Étienne Bernier architecture (EBA), APPAREIL Architecture et BGLANext >