Alexander Grivko
On September 6, 2019, this year’s winners of the European Garden Award by Schloss Dyck Foundation and European Garden Heritage Network were presented at Schloss Dyck, Germany.
Les Jardins d’Etretat received the 1st Prize of the EGHN Garden Prize in the category of “Best development of a historic garden or park”. The jury was very impressed by the idea and the design of a garden that captures and uses its historical roots, in particular, surroundings and its atmosphere do not only incorporate, but also identify with it and this is also avantgarde in the best horticultural traditions.
As a contribution to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and thanks to the support given to the project AWARDING HERITAGE by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and by the two regional associations in North Rhine-Westphalia (LVR and LWL), two new categories have been added to the European Garden Award: “Best development of a cultural landscape of European relevance” and “Europe’s heritage of gardens and gardening”.
In combination with the traditional categories of the European Garden Award – started in 2010 and supported by Lorenz von Ehren Nurseries since 2012 – five 1st Prizes and eight 2nd Prizes have been handed out at Schloss Dyck in five categories:
– Best development of a cultural landscape of European relevance
– Europe’s heritage of gardens and gardening
– Best development of a historic park or garden
– Innovative contemporary concept or design of a park or garden
– Special Award of the Schloss Dyck Foundation