A Conferência Internacional de Infraestruturas Verdes é uma conferência interdisciplinar sobre sustentabilidade e soluções baseadas na natureza para as cidades. A conferência reunirá urbanistas, arquitetos paisagistas, geólogos, agrónomos e outros profissionais e decisores políticos de diferentes nacionalidades para analisar e discutir Infraestruturas Verdes, assim como os resultados e conclusões de investigações e projetos relevantes na área.
A revista Tudo Sobre Jardins vai fazer a cobertura deste evento.
Programa(em Inglês):
DAY 1 – MAY 24th
09:00 – Opening presentation
09:30h – 10:30h | SESSION 1 – Cities demanding for green
Plant biodiversity on Green Roofs
Manfred Kholer | President of World Green Infrastructure Network (WGIN), University of Neubrandenburg
Glades in the Sky – Green Roofs in London and beyond
Dusty Gedge | President of the EFB – European Federation of Green Roof and Wall Associations, Director of Livingroofs.org and the Green Infrastructure Consultancy
The Fifth Facade Project
Paulo Palha | President of Portuguese Association for Green Roofs (ANCV)
10:30h – 11:00h – COFFEE BREAK
11:00h – 12:00h – SESSION 2 | Contributions of GI on ecology, economy and food
NBS Projects for multinationals
Peter Dezsenyi | Deep Forest Landscape, Hungary
Economic Evaluation of Green Roofs installation at a city scale: the case study of Lisbon
Cristina Matos Silva and Inês Teotónio | Instituto Superior Técnico
How edible is a roof?
Kelai Diebel | Makers of Sustainable Spaces
12:00h – 13:00 h – SESSION 3 | GI Policies incentive strategies
London: A natural capital? The evolution of Green Infrastructure Policy
Peter Massini | Green infrastructure Leader, Greater London Authority
Green Roof Policy and Guidelines in the Czech Republic
Pavel Dostal | Czech Green Roof Association
Green roofs through the ages
Edmund Maurer | Linz City Council
13:00H – 14:30H – LUNCH
14:30 h – 15:45 h – SESSION 4 | Nature Based Solutions for Resilient Cities
Green Roofs and Walls in the Sponge City
Gary Grant | Green Infrastructure Consultancy
“GrunStattGrau Research and Innovation GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Thermal performance of green roofs and living walls
Bernard Scharf | BOKU University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Vienna
European green roof norms and guidelines through the lens of biodiversity
Chiara Catalano | ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
15:45h – 16:00h – COFFEE BREAK
16:00H – 17:00H – SESSION 5 | Vegetation and Construction
The project of Praça de Lisboa
Pedro Balonas Simão / Silva Art
Resiliant urban landscapes – Green infrastructure contributions
Laura Costa | Laura Roldão Costa Arquitetura Paisagista
An overview of italian green roofs experience, in different aplications, all along the territory, from north to south
Maurizio Crasso | Harpo spa di Trieste
Public perception of street trees and its implication on Porto´s green infrastructure design
Isabel Martinho da Silva and Cláudia Fernandes | Faculty of Science, University of Porto
17:10h – Closing ceremony
DAY 2 – MAY 25th – TOUR
Lisbon Square Green Roof
Pasteleira centenary Green Roof
Porto City Park

A conferência terá lugar na Biblioteca Almeida Garret, localizada nos belíssimos jardins do Palácio de Cristal, na cidade do Porto.
Contacto: igicporto18@greenroofs.pt
Um dia: 30,00 €
Dois dias: 60,00 €
Desconto: 20% para membros Associação Nacional de Coberturas Verdes, APAP – Associação Portuguesa de Arquitetos Paisagistas, EFB-European Federation of Green Roofs and Walls, WGIN – World Green Infrastructure Network, Ordem dos Engenheiros e Ordem dos Engenheiros Técnicos, representantes de Empresas Municipais do município do Porto
Desconto 50% membros ANCV estudantes
Entrada gratuita: um representante de cada Câmara Municipal
Para inscrever-se vá até https://igicporto.webnode.pt/.